Clear Water, Clear Access

"Clear Access Clear Waters is a campaign for fair, shared and sustainable open access on water for all. It’s aim is not only to seek greater public access to water for recreation, but also to secure the protection of our natural environment"
2019 - One year on
2019 - The health of our rivers
2021 - An update on the Clear access, Clear Waters campaign
2019 - One year on
2019 - The health of our rivers
2021 - An update on the Clear access, Clear Waters campaign
Ennerdale Water - Access
Information from the Wild Ennerdale Partnership (WEP) on canoeing in Ennerdale is available here. As individuals and non commercial groups of paddlers you do not require a permit to paddle Ennerdale. Commercial groups do require permits from United Utilities who own the lake.
The general advice from WEP is to park at either Bowness Knott or Bleach Green car parks and carry your boat (300 to 400m) to the lake. Nevertheless the National Trust have agreed that canoeists may use the more convenient gated permissive bridleway, a pretty rough track marked No Unauthorised Access, through How Hall Farm to the old Angler's Hotel site as authorised users. Unloading is possible at the water's edge but please park further back after unloading. Please ensure all gates are closed, park sensibly and treat the site and other users with courtesy and respect. No camping or fires are allowed and please do your bit by not leaving any litter and clearing any you see left by others.
It is a good idea to put a sign marked "Authorised parking for launching" sign in your vehicle window so that others don't assume there is open access.
Please do all you can to help preserve this negotiated authorisation so we can all continue to enjoy paddling on this wonderful secluded lake.
We'll update this advice if there are any changes.
Regional Waterways Advisor. Cumbria - 2018
The general advice from WEP is to park at either Bowness Knott or Bleach Green car parks and carry your boat (300 to 400m) to the lake. Nevertheless the National Trust have agreed that canoeists may use the more convenient gated permissive bridleway, a pretty rough track marked No Unauthorised Access, through How Hall Farm to the old Angler's Hotel site as authorised users. Unloading is possible at the water's edge but please park further back after unloading. Please ensure all gates are closed, park sensibly and treat the site and other users with courtesy and respect. No camping or fires are allowed and please do your bit by not leaving any litter and clearing any you see left by others.
It is a good idea to put a sign marked "Authorised parking for launching" sign in your vehicle window so that others don't assume there is open access.
Please do all you can to help preserve this negotiated authorisation so we can all continue to enjoy paddling on this wonderful secluded lake.
We'll update this advice if there are any changes.
Regional Waterways Advisor. Cumbria - 2018