Safeguarding Officer
Mac Knowles
British Canoeing have lots of information on their website regarding safeguarding which can be viewed here.
As Paddle UK qualified coaches we follow their guidelines which can be found here:
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Safeguarding or Safety officer on the details above.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Safeguarding or Safety officer on the details above.
Generic advice for all paddlers from British Canoeing who have lots of information on their website regarding safety which can be viewed here.
Although paddlesport has a good track record overall for event safety management, there have been a number of serious accidents which have demonstrated that more could be done to improve this.
Actions and Recommended Procedures:
Actions and Recommended Procedures:
- British Canoeing have developed Event Safety Workshops and related guidance documentation. Event Safety training is required for all nominated Safety Officers.
- All clubs running events under British Canoeing insurance must appoint a Safety Officer.
- For events which are not organised by Clubs, the Event Organiser must either act as the Event Safety Officer (if trained) , or appoint an Event Safety Officer, to complete an Event Safety Check List.
- A copy of the appropriate Event Safety Check List must be returned to the Event Safety Officer a minimum of two weeks before the event. The Event Safety Officer will then check that procedures have been followed, and offer support and suggestions if needed. It is ultimately the responsibility of the trip leader to ensure that events are run in a safe manner, the Safety Officer will do all they can to support them in doing so.
- The Generic Event Safety Checklists have been produced from the Paddle UK Event Safety Material and consist of :
- A Pre Event Checklist
- An Event Checklist
- A Paddler Checklist - which specifies the responsibilities of participants
- An Event Safety Procedure Sign Off Checklist
- Cumbria Canoeists are suggesting that any group organising an event or events go through the generic checklists and use them to produce their own tick - box checklists specific for that type of event (for example, by filling in as non-applicable on the form, the sections which do not apply.) This should mean that completing an Event Safety Checklist for a specific event is then quick, simple, and focused on the things which are important / essential for the event. The paddler checklist, detailing paddler responsibilities, can be also be tailored for specific events/ disciplines.
- You can find Paddle UK's links for their event safety materials here.